Jun 6, 2022 | Used Equipment
VecoPlan VAZ 1800 Shredder with Dust Collection System and Infeed Pit Conveyor Availability:In stock and available Specifications (PDF):VAZ 1800 GA200629-C1 Description: 48″ Wide Shredder Infeed conveyor with a 22′ pit section. VAZ 1800 VecoPlan Shredder 200 HP w/...
Jun 6, 2022 | Used Equipment
Horizontal Auto-tie Baler with Pit Infeed Conveyor Availability:In Stock Specifications (PDF):Balemaster spec sheetBaler infeed spec sheet Description: 60″ Wide Baler Infeed conveyor with a 32′ pit section. Balemaster EO-3209 Auto-tie baler with Double Fluffer &...